Did You  Know?  

You  may contribute your own poems and stories along with ideas and suggestions for our pages by sending email to:



K I D S   O N L Y !

N o  A d u l t s  - (except mom)

Fun and Funny - See the Snake Chaser - - >
Click Here
Click Here
KIDS Morning Shows - LIVE - with Yusuf Estes - - >
Click Here

And Then Come read a poem about Allah's Creation -- 

The Earth

"A Great Place to Stay!"

--- by Yusuf Estes

[click on picture]

Answers the question: "Mommy, where did the earth come from?"

At Last - Answers for Children - (Adults Too) - From Islam -
Truth & Proof - How Islam Explains Creation, Evolution and Science . . . Click Here


home page]      [send email]  


We are still working at rebuilding the children's section of our web site and ask for your prayers and suggestions and ideas.

We can make it happen, inshallah, if we all work together.

* Special thanks to the moms and dads who keep writing in and helping out. Jazakalah khair.